


导读:美国留学的个人陈述,主要有以下的内容:1、阐述自己为什么要申请该学校,以及该专业;2、阐述自己有什么能力学好该专业;3、成功毕业后的打算,如职业规划。 申请人需要在留学个人陈述最后做一个预见性的未来规划,说明自己愿意为本行业做出的贡献和努力







 Upon graduation from your school, I plan to work as a xxx in a xxx company or as a researcherat an institute Participating in the development of xxx would fulfil my aspirations In the long term,I would like to become a professor in order to share my knowledge and experience and instructthe next generation of xxx







 之一步更好是先将个人简历 *** 出来, *** 简历能让你对之前的学习工作有一个汇总,大小经历有一个初步分类,比如校内,校外,项目活动,还是志愿者活动。在 *** 简历是就要边做边想,哪些活动突出你哪方面的经历,比如一个项目活动,突出你的研究能力、沟通能力,领导力等等。在 *** 简历时想到这些,是为后面 *** PS做好铺垫。

 着手 *** PS前,要再研究一下简历,挑出大概三到四个经历比较合适。在这些经历的描述中,着重描写你做了什么事情,突出细节。或者中间遇到了什么困难,如何解决。而不是一份更长更啰嗦的简历。细节的描写会让你显得更生动,也会让阅读你PS的人印象更深刻,通过你的描述,对你产生一个初步了解。

 前面提到你要挑选三到四个经历,那哪些经历应该入选呢?挑选出一些独特的,能突出表现你能力的经历,而这也是最能契合你所申专业的经历。比如所申专业十分注重申请者的组织领导力,那么就着重描写能突出你组织领导力的活动,或者这个活动展现了你很多能力,着重描述组织领导能力。需要提到的是,有些学校会让你提供一篇PS,而有一些会让你提交两道三份essay(以商科为主),每篇essay又各有侧重点,那么也一样需要针对侧重点来进行上述写作的过程。比如说有的Essay 是要你描述你的Long Term Goal和 Short Term Goal,有的可能让你描述更大的成就,有的还可能是道德困境等等。






 PS不仅仅是让你凸显自己的能力,还有更重要的一点是你选择这个专业这个学校的原因,(有一些学校专门叫做State of Purpose (SP)),以及你未来的学习和职业规划,这些也非常重要,也是学校要求一定要表明的。这部分可以在中间部分有所表露,做好放在最后进行集中说明。










 还有就是抄袭别人文书,不结合自身实际情况,搞一些花里胡哨东西。UCAS (英国本科大学和学院招生服务中心)使用高精准查重软件,如果你从他处抄袭话,UCAS会将这一情况告知你所申请大学。严重后果不是一般人能够承担。





 PS是很正规文书,不要用些口语化词语(kinda, sort of, wanna, it's, can't, shouldn't),更好让英语好人帮你改改。作为一个留学生,能把PS写通顺流畅绝对是加分项。

  最后我们来了解下美 国留学个人陈述要写多少字呢?


 比如宾夕法尼亚大学的TESOL专业要求750words之内,康奈尔大学的LLM专业要求750 words之内,弗吉尼亚大学的景观园林专业要求600到750 words之内,佛罗里达大学和宾夕法尼亚大学的建筑专业要求500 words之内。




 我们这里说的字符数指的是计空格的。比如说佛罗里达大学的TESOL专业SP要求5000 字符之内,纽约州立大学纽波兹分校的珠宝设计专业SP要求4000 字符之内。





 即Personal Information。 包括姓名,出生日期,性别,地址,联系 *** 和电子邮箱等。

 1、西方人经常混淆姓与名,导致录取后发的I20表格上姓名颠倒。然后还得联系学校修改后再邮递过来,很麻烦。所以建议在简历或者填各种申请表格中采用姓的汉语拼音都大写,名的汉语拼音仅首字母大写,姓与名的先后次序倒不重要。当然,还可以把自己的姓名及性别作为简历的标题如MrQI ZHENG。


 3、地址一定填准确,否则可能延误收到录取包裹。如果家庭住址不方便收包裹,可以在简历里分开写上mailing address (邮寄地址)和permanent address(家庭地址),这样学校一般会把包裹寄至mailing address。如果你住的是小巷小街,不要翻译地址,直接使用拼音。

 4、联系 *** 的话应该在 *** 钱加区号和国家好,用短横线隔开,城市区号前不加“0”。



 即Educational background。倒着时间来写,即最近的教育经历放前面。内容包括毕业/在读学校名,起止时间,所谓学位,所学专业,如果综合GPA或者专业GPA较高或者班级排名比较好,可以重点突出。还可以把核心课程,与申请相关的部分课程罗列出来。


 即skills。 更好按照与申请专业相关程度决定先后,联系越紧或越重要的技能一般放最前面。




 即Working & Research Experience。也是倒时间把重要的经历写出来,和申请专业相关的经历可以稍微详细点。包括公司名称,工作岗位,主要职责与成就等。申请研究生学历,这部分比较重要,尤其是MBA专业,一定好好写。


 即Extracurricular Activities。 主要展现个人素质的全面发展,以及个人对集体和社会的责任感。本科申请者很多都是无工作实习和科研经历,所以这部分尽量能写多些。但重点突出,平淡无奇或者对申请专业无多大关联的就不用写了。








 很多学生的个人陈述设计是非常失败的,他们的思路是典型的中国思维,在文书写作上往往是大而全,希望在申请文书中体现自身所有的内容。故此,无论是小时候的把一分钱交给 *** 叔叔的经历,还是大学抗洪救灾,都会一股脑的往上放,这使得文章整体的布局出现严重的思路不突出,内容不鲜明的特点。



  2 写作内容上



  3 写作风格上

 很多申请人在写个人陈述的过程中,希望“语不惊人死不休”,力求将申请文书写的完美,这一点本身没错,一篇优美的个人陈述,是能够给自己申请结果加上很多分数的。不过,英语有一句话叫做“Substance over form“,意思是内容重于形式,在阅读申请材料过程中,录取委员会其实也更注重申请人的实质性东西,希望看到申请人的专业水平和研究工作经历。而很多申请人却将大量的精力放到了如何使语言更优美的方向上去,用的单词生僻,读起来不能朗朗上口,这实际上是本末倒置,无法得到录取委员会的青睐。



  接着来看看 个人陈述一般都写哪些内容。



 要让admission看一眼就知道你递交申请的原因是啥,简单直接的表达会让你的application在多如牛毛的personal statement里成为一股清流,还省去大学招生办不少过滤废话的时间!







 大学:那就证明一波呗。每年辣么多人申请, *** 嘛非要招你?










 deferredentry:有gap year的计划吗?如有,打算利用这一年完成什么事情?(记得要证明自己并没有荒废青春哦)已经过了gapyear?过去一年都做了什么事情/为自己的大学生活做了什么准备?




 The Experience A couple years ago, I set a goal to purchase my first piece of real estate within three years of graduation from Harvard College I realized this goal, two years and three months ahead of schedule when I closed on a charming one-bedroom condo in [lower Manhattan] It was September 5th, 2001 Six days later, the world as I knew it changed when the World Trade Center towers collapsed, killing thousands, engulfing [lower Manhattan] in a cloud of debris, shattering apartment windows, and seeping signs of destruction in through my windows, onto my window sill, and all over my newly polished floors I fled that day to the safety of [deleted] County and the security of my parent's house Back at my parent's home I settled in front of the television That day, I probably only moved from in front of the television twice I was demoralized when the television provided the first glimpse of [lower Manhattan] There sat my new home, encased in dust, surrounded by debris, and marred with shattered glass A lot happened those first 24 hours in front of the television, prayers were said, thankfully prayers were answered, resolutions were made, and the most profound leadership experience of my life took shape

 The Leadership Role That day, while watching the news coverage, I vowed that I would move back to [lower Manhattan] and become part of the rebuilding effort I have done this and more Shortly after September 11th, I founded the [deleted] Association with three other residents (none of whom I knew prior to the disaster) We started out as a *** all Executive Steering Committee, concerned with assessing the immediate impact on the community, determining the safety of residents, confirming reoccupation dates for the displaced, and disseminating information When the first wave of residents were allowed back into the neighborhood, the Steering Committee held a town hall meeting to assess the needs of residents and develop a rapport with the community that we had collectively pledged to help

 With time the scope and goals of our organization morphed to fit the needs of the community In December of [deleted] I was appointed President of the [deleted] Association With the majority of residents now back in their homes it was time for me to redefine the goals of the organization Under my direction, the [deleted], lobbied public and government officials for economic relief, assisted the transition of residents back into the community, publicized the re-opening of businesses, secured resident access to the neighborhood past checkpoints, built strategic relationships with relief organizations, and provided transportation alternatives Long-term, as President of the [deleted], I have been instrumental in the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan On a daily basis I convey the visions, needs, and voices of residents to the public, offer solutions and assistance to solve the problems of residents, provide information and resources to the neighborhood, and sponsor activities that foster community spirit

 The Leadership Lessons Serving as President of the [deleted] Association has been a defining leadership experience for four distinct reasons 1) This experience has taught me how to concurrently serve the needs of thousands of individuals and give representation to multiple contingencies often with conflicting agendas Accomplishing this task has been harder than I could have ever imagined Representing a community of 12,000 to the press, elected public officials, businesses, and public is a difficult exercise in negotiation 2) My time as President has been instrumental in teaching me how to manage a multitude of commitments My work with the [deleted] Association is time consuming but forces me to find innovative solutions to balance my commitment to the [deleted], with my professional career, extracurricular commitments, and personal aspirations 3) This experience and my solid record of accomplishments has been powerful in confirming to myself that not only do I enjoy leading but that I am a successful leader And in the true mark of a leader, I have discovered that I have the innate leadership qualities necessary to mobilize specific individuals and large amounts of people behind my vision And 4) and perhaps more importantly than knowing that I have the ability to effectively deliver results, over the past year and a half, through countless triumphs, setbacks, failures, and successes, I have learned that a community wrought with tragedy—can recover




 1普通申请(The Common Application)

 2通用大学申请(The Universal College Application )

 3个别机构申请(Individual Institution Application)

  许多美国大学和学院都在使用普通申请和通用大学申请 ,你会发现,如果只能选择其中之一写一篇论文,这样你就不会对其他的申请人造成影响。




















 第四段:当你通过考试后,你如何支付学车费和/或买车的钱,例如,找一份 *** 工作






 当你完成之一稿时,不要依赖拼写检查器来纠正拼写和语法错误,让导师、家人和朋友看看,然后给你反馈。确保你至少经历了几轮这样的检查,这样你就能写出一篇精雕细琢的论文,这将为你成功申请美国大学提供更好的机会。 看一些入学申请论文的例子可能对你自己的作文结构也很有用。




There was never any doubt that I would pick Environmental Science

Studying at sixth form has made me realise that my favourite parts of each subject are based on the processes and sustainability of the environment For my Product Design coursework, I was redesigning manufactured goods to be ‘greener’; making a lamp that was 80% more efficient and could also be broken down to be recycled I prevailed in the organic module of AS Chemistry in which I learnt about the use of fossil fuels and pollutants And in Maths, I concluded that the statistics module was the most rewarding because it showed me how the subject is integrated into almost everything; I was using methods from my statistics class to help me with my Geography coursework, in which I surveyed a river environment and how humans influence it – I took pleasure in wading through a river and the great sense of fulfilment to draw a conclusion from information I had gathered and processed myself

I feel that this course will satisfy my curiosity about the world around us, and hope it will lead me to a career that aims to find ways to use the world’s resources in a sustainable way

I have not missed an opportunity to get involved with extra-curricular activities; as I was walking through school to head home after some particular activities, I was often greeted by teachers making statements such as, ‘Are you still here’ but I kept coming back

Being part of every girl’s team available, and captaining some select games, meant that I set aside a lot of time to the cause; but this was no chore, I love the social side of sports because everyone involved has so much enthusia *** , which they portray in such an energetic manner I joined clubs out of school, representing the South Bucks hockey team in the Thames Valley games and playing in an under sixteen’s netball club let me meet many new people that I shared a common interest with I also became part of a non-competitive hockey club for older hockey players, where the training was more vigorous and my team mates were a lot wiser – I often had to decline invitations to the pub, purely because I was too young - but the harder training routines improved my self discipline that lead me to having new skills

For games such as netball and rounders it is essential to cooperate and follow instructions; you have to play your part in the game, doing this has not only taught me how to be part of a team, but how to lead one too I am now part of the sports council, representing the sixth-form, we are currently working to encourage younger pupils to attend after school sports clubs and are organising a sports day for year seven I also represent sixth form in the school council where we discuss how to make school a better environment for everybody; the latest proposal was to introduce paper recycling

My school holds a summer awards evening every year for the lower school, I acquired awards for my work in various subjects and one for service, these made me feel like quite the specialist and encouraged me to put more effort in and lend a hand to others I was made a prefect in year eleven and am now a senior student, I was very eager to help in the *** ooth running of the school to give back a little of what I have been given in extra-curricular time and resources Last year I helped out in a year nine maths class once a week, I felt a sense of satisfaction when students were able to use concepts that I had explained to them Also last year, when GCSEs were over, I started to teach myself guitar Starting off, it took self-motivation to keep on learning as things got harder, and fingerprints started to wear off, but now I am part of a band and I know that it was undoubtedly worth the effort

I have always loved learning new fields of knowledge and I am looking forward to exploring them in more depth at a higher level I see university as an opportunity to utilise better facilities and expertise, and I understand that I must contribute all I can and rise to all the challenges put to me


The tap water I drank for two years in England holds a hint of chlorine,

nevertheless, drinkable; its Swiss counterpart, crystal-clear and tastes divine I have inhaled voraciously the air in Pullman, Washington, along with its scent of ripening wheat and temperate forests I have swum into the Mediterranean Sea straight from the Barcelonata beach ten minutes away from downtown Barcelona All the while travelling and studying aboard, I think about my home, China, about how none of these things can be done there And the thought pains me

Becoming an Environmental Engineer is not a mere whim resulted from my concerns for China’s pollution – it became a determination, when I spent a fruitful summer at Washington State University as a research student in Laboratory for Atmospheric Research Under the guidance of Professor Serena Chung, Professor Brian Lamb and a doctoral student Rodrigo Gonzalez-Abraham, I conducted an *** ysis on the effect of wildfire

atmospheric emissions on regional air quality, using the current and future year simulations output by the WRF- *** OKE-CMAQ modeling framework I discovered that wildfires account mainly for the particulate matters in the air, and that the increase in the precipitation in the future is likely to be responsible for a 60%-80% decrease in particulate matter’s concentrations Not only have I improved my programming skill, data processing skill and the ability to

approach a task through my project, but also gained knowledge in the field of air monitoring and control through a series of “crash courses” equivalent to classes that an Environmental Engineering undergraduate would take I

become enticed by the complexity and the interdisciplinarity of environmental modeling, and reaffirmed Environmental Engineering as my career path At the time when several faculty members from the department were leaving for Tianjin, China for a project, and joked about the possibility of their accurate measuringequipments malfunctioning when operating in the megacity plagued by pollution, my heart sank, and instantly I knew that my best career option is to help converting the terrible situation

As a Physics major and a Math minor, I make more efforts than a summer research to edge my way into Environmental Engineering For senior year, I am taking a course entitled Water Quality and another one on Environmental Systems at Swarthmore College In the former, I will work on a group project that aims to improve the pollution model of a local creek, developed by Professor AuthurMcGarity using Storm Water Management Model If my schedule allows, the summer after my graduation will include taking basic engineering summer courses in preparation for graduate school In addition, I

will be spending my fall break this year working at California Air Resources Board and learning how research results influence public policy making In my one-month winter break, I will intern in the Bio-fuel research sector at the ENN Company, a Chinese energy company that plays a leading role in the development of oil extraction from algae cultures

It took me a while to figure out that I want to use my specialty in the real world as an engineer This is mainly because I am also fascinated with theories and abstract concepts that Physics and Mathematics offer Immersed in the

atmosphere of a liberal arts college, I embrace the idea that a kid should study what fascinates him/her the most in college Armed with enthusia *** , I did a month-long Theoretical Physics research during the summer of freshman year, on the question of whether our universe has a “preferred” handedness and whether it is detectable in the large-angle anisotropy of Co *** ic Background Radiation As it turns out, it takes more than a month for a freshman to tackle Theoretical Physics, for I spent most of the time teaching myself General Relativity through a thick textbook written by John Wheeler, instead of doing anything remotely original While I enjoy leaving the research with a mindful of abstract ideas about the origin of the universe, I settled with myself on the contention of whether to pursue pure theories throughout my life

The decision is no As a result, my second research in Physics, the one started in the fall of 2009 and evolves into my senior project, differs significantly from the first one The project in the Non-linear Physics Lab at Haverford College looks at the behaviors of swimming microorgani *** s in a quasi-2D fluid The project was especially challenging at the beginning, because of the universally known fact that you cannot let a Physicist take care of living organi *** s I had to figure out a systematic procedure to culture algae cells, to keep them motile, to add fluorescent tracers without disturbing their normal metaboli *** , and to take accurate measurements Looking back at those days, I realized that the most valuable lesson I have learned is neither the lab procedures nor the

modeling skill, but an effective approach to a new project and the step-by-step elimination of experimental difficulties This was also a time during which I encountered frustrations and joys down the path of an objective research, and tried to handle them professionally They say doing research is about how you do it, not what you do And I hope to incorporate my Physics research experiences and perspectives into the future research in Environmental Engineering

As my transcript indicates, I intend to finish my undergraduate in three years Although Bryn Mawr and Haverford equip me with a broad spectrum of

knowledge in Math, Physics, Economics and Art History, the absence of an Engineering department results in my eagerness to move on to a

comprehensive university with more Engineering resources and peers, a university like Columbia

It is impossible not to be impressed by the Carbon Sequestration research going on in Columbia for someone like me who reads every issue of Scientific American Although I may lack the knowledge in Engineering Design, I am

confident to enter this new field under the guidance of Professor Klaus Lackner; more importantly, I have already developed a strong passion for Carbon Sequestration through reading various literatures Also, Professor

UpmanuLall’s specialty appeals to me because of his projects related to

hydro-climate modeling and policy-making tools Having visited SEAS and the department twice, I fell in love with the department’s friendly atmosphere and its “international flavor” I would like to believe that I will be an asset to the department in return My education background spans from China, Oxford to Philadelphia; from fifty kids per classroom in middle school, ten teenagers from five different countries per classroom in high school, to twenty brilliant young women and no men per classroom in college (see resume) I find equally great pleasure in two seemingly contrary activities: scientific research and

philanthropy It is my career goal to become a world citizen who, on one hand, savors the withdrawal of research, and on the other hand, advocates for a better environment when not at the desk I am to be an Environmental

Engineer, for my own pleasure, for the sake of my homeland, and for the sake of this globe we are all living in And Columbia holds the same belief

   我为大家介绍留学美国个人陈述写作的正确 *** 介绍,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。


 一、按照美国人的理念去写文章。毕竟我们写的是美国留学申请的PS,写出来也是给美国的教授看的,当然按美国人的理念写是上策。如何才能按照美国人的理念呢,他们的理念是什么呢美国人不在乎你做过什么,他们更在乎你从你所经历过的事情中能学到什么,能有什么新的认识和想法。因此在选材的时候,我们不一定非要找什么惊天动地的大事,毕竟大家都是平凡的人,没几个人经历过惊天大事的,关键是一定要选那些“Make you difference on and off campus”。




